Peace and Reconciliation in Iraq
The ultimate responsible question is not how do I heroically get out of it, but how will the next generation live on.
Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Peace and Reconciliation in Iraq

A future for Christians, Yazidi and religious minorities under pressure in Iraq

Iraq is considered the cradle of civilization. Already on the first pages the Bible reports about the foundation of the city of Nineveh, today’s Mossul, by Nimrod. More than 5000 years ago the Mesopotamian advanced civilization was at home here, in which Abraham was also born. But other religions and cultures have also developed their traditions here over the centuries.

Decades of war and not least the terror of ISIS have left an atmosphere of hopelessness and mutual distrust between the many different groups in Iraq. But a peaceful future can only succeed together!

Since 2017, we have been working to ensure that Christians, Yazidi and religious minorities in Iraq have a perspective for a reconciled life in dignity and security.

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We are active as Political Advocates for Religious Freedom in Iraq in German politics, church and media. It is our concern that the oppressed religious minorities in Iraq have a perspective of a reconciled life in dignity and security.

To this end, we bring together various actors from politics, religious communities and civil society. In Germany and in Iraq. Committed to peace and reconciliation.

We are active in the sense of goal 16 of the global Sustainable Development Goals.

To this end, we are in Germany in close contact with:

Central Council Of Oriental Christians in Germany
Central Council of Yezidis in Germany
Communio Messianica
European Community of Religions – In Dialogue
Ecumenical Council Berlin-Brandenburg, Working group “Christians in the Orient”
Protestant Salam Center
missio – The International Catholic Mission Society
Evangelical Alliance in Germany, Working group “Freedom of Religion or Belief”
International Institute for Religious Freedom (IIRF)
Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Bavaria, Department Ecumene and World Responsibility
Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Württemberg, Department of
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